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Climate change is widely recognised as the most critical challenge of our time...
The Climate-U network brings together universities from around the world committed to working together to address the climate crisis. It aims to strengthen climate action within each institution and create new collaborative ventures through international dialogue and exchange.
The network grew out of the original Climate-U project (Transforming Universities for a Changing Climate) which ran from February 2020 - January 2024, funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund. The project brought together partners in eight countries to enhance their potential to address the causes and impacts of climate change, and contribute to the broader task of understanding the role of education in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Climate-U Project (Feb 2020 - Jan 2024) investigated the following two key research questions:
What are the effects of locally generated initiatives on actions and ideas relating to the climate crisis?
How do they inform our understandings of the role of higher education in sustainable development?
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