
Project Team
The project includes a cross-cutting team at University College London, UK, where the Principal Investigator is based. Four Co-Investigators lead teams in each of the four partner countries, supported by four country Advisors. The Association of Commonwealth Universities is the impact and knowledge exchange partner.

Advisory Board
In Country Advisors
Alice Bell | Possible, UK
Michael Crossley | University of Bristol, UK
Fatima Denton | United Nations University, Institute for Natural Resources in Africa, Ghana
Keri Facer | University of Bristol, UK/Uppsala University, Sweden
Jorge Ferrão | Universidade Pedagógica de Maputo, Mozambique
Ellen Hazelkorn | Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
Ailsa Holloway | Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Farai Kapfudzaruwa | University of Pretoria, South Africa
Simon Marginson | University of Oxford, UK
Ibrahim Oanda | CODRESIA, Senegal
Rebecca Schendel | Boston College, USA
Elaine Unterhalter | UCL, UK
Simon McGrath | University of Nottingham
José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade Guerra
University of the South of Santa Catarina
Frances Koya Vaka'uta
University of the South Pacific
Mwenda Ntarangwi
Commission for University Education, Executive Director
Amália Alexandre Uamusse & Boaventura Cuamba Chongo
Eduardo Mondlane University