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Climate-U Network

The Climate-U network brings together universities from around the world committed to working together to address the climate crisis. It grew out of the original Climate-U project (Transforming Universities for a Changing Climate) which ran from February 2020 -January 2024, funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund.


The aim of the network is to strengthen climate action within each institution and create new collaborative ventures through international dialogue and exchange.


If you are interested in joining the network, please contact Tristan McCowan ( or Jackline Nyerere (



The Climate-U Members are as follows:



  • Federal University of Pará,

  • Federal University of Paraná,

  • Federal University of the West of Pará;

  • University of Passo Fundo;

  • University of São Paulo



  • Fiji National University;

  • University of the South Pacific



  • Tata Institute for Social Sciences

  • Council on Energy, Environment and Water



  • Satya Terra Bhinneka University

Hong Kong:

  • The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong



  • University of Kigali 



  • Kenya Methodist University;

  • Kenyatta University (Network lead institution*)

  • Kisii University



  • University of Dar es Salaam



  • Ibn Tofail University 


South Africa 

  • University of the Witwatersrand

  • University of the Free State 



  • Uganda Management Institute



  • University College London

  • Loughborough University

  • The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)

  • International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)


*The network has a rotating lead institution with a one-year tenure.

Kenyatta University is the first chair, from January - December 2024.


New members are welcome, commiting to the Network's principles below.

Where we work

Climate Uni country map

Climate-U Network Principles

Network members adhere to a set of key principles:

Aerial View of Flood



  1. The climate crisis represents an existential threat to humanity. It is a civilisational crisis and is rooted in our economies, politics and culture, as well as our way of being. It is an issue of global justice, given the disparities in responsibility and impact between world regions.

  2. The university is a key piece in the puzzle of addressing the climate crisis. Its multiple roles in education and knowledge production make it vital in addressing this complex issue, in conjunction with other organisations and groups. Yet a major transformation is needed, given the historical complicity of higher education with exploitation of human communities and the natural world.

  3. Climate must be addressed across all the different functions of the university, and in all of its disciplines, with a view to developing new holistic, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary forms of action.

  4. Participatory action research is an important mode of working, given the need for combining reflection and action, and the need to engage marginalised communities.

  5. Sharing and learning across language and cultural differences in an international network it is vital for enhancing the effectiveness and impact of climate action.


If you are interested in joining the network, please contact Tristan McCowan ( or Jackline Nyerere (

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