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Brazil Affiliate Team


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Affiliate Universities

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Tânia Suely Azevedo Brasileiro

Coordinator | UFOPA

Post-doctor in Psychology (IP/USP, 2008/2009), with an internship at the Vygotsky School, Psychology Faculty in Universidad de La Havana - Cuba (2009). PhD in Education (Universidad Rovira i Virgili/Spain – URV, 2002). Master in Human Movement Pedagogy (UGF/RJ, 1992). Master in Educational Technology (URV, 2001) in Higher Education Didactics (UGF/RJ, 1985). Specialization in Health Services Administration (UNAERP/SP, 1994). Doctor Tania is undergraduate in Physical Education, Recreation and Games (UFJF, 1978), Psychology (UNIR, 1997) and Pedagogy (FIAR, 2004). Her actual professional career as a Professor is at UFOPA since 2017, in Education Institute (ICED). She is also the coordinator of Post Graduate Program in Education on Amazon - Phd in Full Network Association (EDUCANORTE/PGEDA) - Santarem Pole (2020-current management). Permanent Professor at postgraduate programs: PhD in Society, Nature and Development (PPGSND) and Master in Education (PPGE). She is a collaborating in Master Course in Society, Environment and Quality of Life (PPGSAQ) at UFOPA. Vice-President (2022-2023) of the INTER-REGIONAL NETWORK ON TEACHING IN BASIC AND HIGHER EDUCATION – RIDES. Leader of the PRÁXIS UFOPA Research Group, developing research projects in national (IP/USP, UFAM, UFT, UNIR and UNICAMP) and international (UH/Cuba, UAB/Portugal and UCL/England) networks.

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Luis Alipio Gomes

Assistant coorinator | UFOPA 

PhD in Environmental Sciences - PPGSND/UFOPA (2020), and part of his researches was made the Open University of Portugal (UAB) in Lisbon (2019). Master in Education – PPGE/UFOPA (2016), and undergraduated in Pedagogy, UFPA (1997). Researcher member of the PRAXIS UFOPA study and research group. He worked as Professor at UFPA, Faculdades Integradas do Tapajós and Esperança Institute of Higher Education-IESPES / Santarém-PA (IESPES) in post-graduation course. Currently he works as teacher in the municipal public school system. He also works as a staff member in a Pedagogical team at Ufopa.  His researchers involves the following topics: Management of Municipal Education Systems, Pedagogical Project, Sustainability, Curriculum, Environmental Education, Interdisciplinarity and Higher Education. He was the president of Municipal Education Council in Santarém-PA where he worked as Municipal Secretary of Education too.

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Klaudia Yared Sadala

Researcher | UFOPA

PhD in Environmental Sciences (PPGSND/UFOPA, 2020); Master in Psychology (UFPA, 2005), and undergraduated in Psychology, Universidade da Amazônia/UNAMA (2002-CRP10/01575); Sexologist at CESEX/Brasilia (2002). She was a professor in Psychology Course at Esperança Institute of Higher Education-IESPES / Santarém-PA for 10 years and worker as course coordinator for 7 years. She coordinated the exchange activities of professor between IESPES/PA and West of Virginia University (2011-2013). She has teaching experience in undergraduate, graduate and higher education management. She currently works as a professor in  Psychology Course at UNAMA-PA and as a Clinical Psychologist. She also has been working at the Pará State Department of Public Health since 2009 as Psychologist, with 10 years of experience in Public Mental Health Policies, assistance, implementation and implementation of mental health policies in SUS / Santarém-PA; since January 2020 she has been working in public policies in the State of Pará, in  SESPA/Belém. She is member of  Study and Research Group PRAXIS UFOPA, member of Brazilian Association of Environmental Psychology (ABRAPA, in portuguese), as a representative of North Pará/Amapá and member of the fiscal council (ABRAPA).

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Adriane Panduro Gama

Researcher | UFOPA

PhD student of Environmental Sciences (UFOPA); Master’s in education (PPGE/UFOPA, 2018). Specialization in Environmental Education, Emphasis on Educating Spaces (2017). Specialization in Society, Environment and Development in the Amazon at Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA, 2013). She is undergraduate in Biological Sciences (UFPA, 2013).

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Luciandro Tássio Ribeiro De Souza

Technological support | UFOPA

Undergraduate student in Educational Informatics Course at Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA). He is undergraduated in Portuguese Language and Literature (ULBRA, 2017). Specialist in Letters: Portuguese and Literature from the Venda Nova do Imigrante Faculty (FAVENI) maintained by the Instituto de Educação Século XX (2020). He is member of the study and research group PRAXIS UFOPA.

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Luis Antônio Da Cruz Gomes

Technological support | UFOPA

He is undergraduate in Computer Science at Federal University of Wester of Pará (UFOPA). He is wors as Fullstack Developer, with with development of web and mobile applications in PHP and Javascript languages.

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Sônia Fátima Schwendler

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Paraná

Sônia Fátima Schwendler holds a PhD in Iberian and Latin American Studies from Queen Mary University of London, a Master in Rural Extension, and a degree in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Santa Maria. Dr Schwendler is Associate Professor in education at the Federal University of Paraná, acting as a permanent professor in the Graduate Program in Education. Visiting Researcher at the University of London (Queen Mary and UCL Institute of Education); member of the Paraná Network for a Educação do Campo and vice-leader of the Gender Studies Nucleus at UFPR. She has experience in Participatory Action Research, based on studies and actions carried out with social movements and rural women in the field of education, gender studies and agroecology. She is the coordinator of the Transforming Universities for a Changing Climate research project at the Federal University of Paraná.




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Katya Regina Isaguirre-Torres

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Paraná

Katya Regina Isaguirre-Torres holds a Ph.D in Environment and Development from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), a Master in Corporate Law and Citizenship and a Law degree from the Curitiba Law School (UNICURITIBA). Associate Professor of Environmental and Agricultural Law at the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Paraná, she works as a permanent professor of the Graduate Program in Law. She is the leader of the EKOA socio-environmental law research group; a member of the Extension University Project “Rights in movement”, and the coordinator of the thematic axis “Safety and rights of populations affected by dams.



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Cristina Frutuoso Teixeira

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Paraná

Cristina Frutuoso Teixeira holds a Bachelor of Social Science with a Master in Sociology from the Federal University of Brasília, and a PhD in Environment and Development from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). Associate Professor in Education at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), she works in different bachelor's and licentiate courses and as a permanent professor in the Graduate Program in Environment and Development. Her interdisciplinary trajectory of research, extension and teaching applied to environmental and development problems started in the 1990s working on Environmental Impact Studies and in a few years of study in Social Ecology at the School of Higher Studies in Social Sciences (France). Her work focuses on development & environment, socio-environmental injustice in coastal regions and Environmental Education from the perspective of Political Ecology theories.  



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