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Brazil Team

Partner Universities


Lead Partner

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Luciana Brandli

Co-Investigator, Brazil | University of Passo Fundo 

Luciana Londero Brandli (Ph.D) is a Professor at the University of Passo Fundo, Brazil. Her work focuses on sustainability in higher education, the Agenda 2030, Climate Change, Education for Sustainability and Sustainable Cities. She is Deputy Editor of the Encyclopedias of Sustainability in Higher Education and of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. She serves on the editorial board of various journals, supervises a number of master's and doctoral students on engineering, environment and sustainability issues and has in excess of 300 publications. She is the co-investigator in Brazil for the Transforming Universities for a Changing Climate research project.


Contact Luciana  |  ORCID Profile  |  CV


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Amanda Salvia 

Research Associate | University of Passo Fundo 

Amanda Lange Salvia is a Research Associate of the project Transforming Universities for a Changing Climate at the University of Passo Fundo, Brazil. Her doctorate focuses on energy sustainability at universities and current interests include the Sustainable Development Goals, the role of universities towards sustainability and the impacts of climate change. She is Associate Editor of the International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education and Deputy Editor of the Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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Janaína Mazutti

Researcher | University of Passo Fundo

Janaina Mazutti is an Environmental Engineer and Researcher of Transforming Universities for a Changing Climate research project at the University of Passo Fundo, Brazil. Her current studies focus on strategies for Climate Change Adaptation adopted by smart cities and how they contribute to achieving the SDGs 11 and 13. Her interests include the Sustainable Development Goals, Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable and Smart cities.

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Giovana Reginatto

Researcher | University of Passo Fundo

Giovana Reginatto is a Civil Engineer and Researcher of Transforming Universities for a Changing Climate research project at the University of Passo Fundo, Brazil. Her interests include the Sustainable Development Goals, sustainability at universities and climate change.

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Tercio Ambrizzi 

Affiliate Researcher | University of São Paulo

Tercio Ambrizzi is Full Professor at the Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences, at the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil. He is currently the General Coordinator of INCLINE (Interdisciplinary Climate Investigation Centre at USP and Superintendent of Environmental Management at USP.  Prof. Ambrizzi has a PhD in Meteorology from the University of Reading, UK, and his research focuses on Dynamic Meteorology, Climate Change and Regional climate modelling.    Prof. Ambrizzi is a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, and he has published over 100 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals, and over 20 book chapters.  He has also supervised dozens of Masters and Doctoral students, and postdoctoral researchers.


CV and publications 

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Amanda Rehbein

Affiliate Researcher | University of São Paulo

Amanda Rehbein is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences, at the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil. She is working with the INCLINE (Interdisciplinary Climate Investigation Centre at USP), GrEC (Group of Climate Studies at USP), and the SAAG (South America Affinity Group at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA). Her research focuses on Dynamic Meteorology, Climate Change, and Cloud Resolving Modelling. She also has an interest in understanding how Universities are facing climate change and preparing societies for a warming climate. In the Climate-U project, she helps to coordinate the PAR activities at the USP. 

Salomão Antônio Mufarrej Hage

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Pará

Salomão Antônio Mufarrej Hage (PhD) is a Professor at the Institute of Educational Sciences at the Federal University of Pará and at the Graduate Program in Education and in Languages and Knowledge of the Amazon Program.  He is also a CNPq Productivity Scholarship holder. He coordinates the Study and Research Group on Rural Education in the Amazon, and the Paraense Forum on Rural Education.  His studies guide education in the multi-territorialities of the Amazon, concerning its diverse organisations, movements and identities – ribeirinhos, fishermen, peasants, indigenous, quilombolas and extractivists.

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Maria de Nazaré Cunha de Araújo

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Pará

Maria de Nazaré Cunha de Araújo is a lawyer and a specialist in financial and budgetary administration through the Getúlio Vargas Foundation as well as in the rights of children and adolescents through the Federal University of Pará. She is involved in the development of projects focused on rural education and is a member of the Study and Research Group on Rural Education in the Amazon.

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Celso Alexandre de Araújo Ribeiro

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Pará

Celso Alexandre de Araújo Ribeiro is a graduate of Biomedical Sciences through the Federal University of Pará and has a degree in Music through the Carlos Gomes State Institute. He is a specialist in Special Education and Socio-educational Inclusion through the Federal Rural University of the Amazon. He is a member of the Study and Research Group on Rural Education in the Amazon and of the Rural Education Forum of Pará.

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Edir Augusto Dias Pereira

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Pará

Edir Augusto Dias Pereira holds a PhD and master's degree in Geography through the Fluminense Federal University and a bachelor's degree in Geography through the Federal University of Pará. He is currently an adjunct professor at the Federal University of Pará (Campus of Tocantins / Cametá). He has experience in the area of geography with an emphasis on Human and Amazonic geography, focusing mainly on the following themes: territoriality, education of the countryside, waters and forests, resistance and riverine identity. He was director of the Faculty of Education (2015-2016) and of the Faculty of Geography (2018-2020) of the Tocantins / Cametá campus. He is a riverine of quilombola origin and a full-time poet.

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Oscar Ferreira Barros

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Pará

Oscar Ferreira Barros is a pedagogue, MA and PhD in Education. He is professor of the teacher's degree in Rural Education and Specialisation in Pedagogical Practices in Rural Education linked to the Cametá Campus at the Federal University of Pará. He works in the training of teachers in multigrade schools for the “Escola da Terra” Programme in the Pará Amazon. He is part of the Pará Countryside Education Forum and the coordinator of the countryside, waters and forests education forum of the Low Tocantins. Oscar is a member of the Participatory Action Research group for Climate-U.

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Marcos Vinicius Costa Lima

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Pará

Marcos Vinicius Costa Lima holds a PhD in Geography through the Fluminense Federal University. He works in the territorial planning research area, focusing on questions about racism against indigenous peoples. He has been a researcher at the New Social Cartography of the Amazon Project since 2007; a volunteer at the "Escola da Terra", and a collaborating researcher across various academic study groups at the Federal University of Pará. He works as a researcher and teacher in the following areas of knowledge: management and planning of a conservation unit for sustainable use, Indigenous territories/lands, social cartography (situational), geoprocessing, territorial and identity conflicts involving Indigenous nations and quilombolas, Afro-religious communities, trans-identity peoples and collectives, network of rural/urban social movements, decolonial pedagogies, Indigenous school education and advice on the construction of free, informed and prior consent consultation protocols.

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Waldirene dos Santos Castro

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Pará

Waldirene dos Santos Castro has a degree in Pedagogy through the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará. She is a specialist in African and Afro-Brazilian Knowledge in the Amazon and has participated in the “Earth, Waters and Forest School of the Pará Amazon" programme. She is currently the coordinator of education for ethnic-racial relations at the Department of Education of the Municipality of Moju-PA and a teacher in the municipality of Moju. Raised in a quilombola community, she has experience in the field of quilombola education, with an emphasis on teaching-learning education in the countryside and an emphasis on the struggle of traditional peoples of the waters and the forest. She is part of the Knowledge and Educational Practices of quilombola Populations research group and Coordinator of the EDUQ do Quilombo research area.

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Guiomar Correo Tavares

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Pará

Guiomar Correa Tavares is a black quilombola woman, resident of the quilombola Community São Sebastião in Moju, community leader, and family farmer. She completed high school with a technical course in agriculture.

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Hueliton Pereira Azevedo

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Pará

Hueliton Pereira Azevedo holds a Bachelor's degree in Agronomy from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará (Campus Castanhal). He served as a fellow and volunteer at the Center for Studies and Education in Agroecology in the Amazon. In 2013, he was a monitor of Agroecology where he carried out teaching activities for undergraduate students in agronomy and integrated high school. In 2014, he received a scholarship from the International Institute of Education of Brazil, working in community forest management actions. He holds a master's degree in Family Agriculture and Sustainable Development from the Federal University of Pará, where he carried out research on agroecological transition in Amazonian agroecosystems. Throughout his academic training, the organization of Amazonian agroecosystems was the main topic he was involved with. After his master's degree, he was an advisor for the Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement, where he researched the process of institutionalisation of public policies for agroecology in Brazil. He is currently studying for a doctorate in Agroecosystems at the Federal University of Santa Catarina.

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Hellen do Socorro de Araújo Silva

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Pará

Hellen do Socorro de Araújo Silva hold a PhD in Education through the Federal University of Pará in Education, Culture and Society, as well as an MA in Education through the State University of Pará in Teacher Training. She is ann adjunct professor at the Federal University of Pará, Faculty of Rural Education (Tocantins / Cametá campus). She is a permanent professor of the graduate programme in Education and Culture (Policies and Societies) at the Tocantins University Campus in Cametá. She has experience as a teacher and coordinator of Basic Education, with an emphasis on the modalities of early childhood education, elementary education and youth and adult education. She is vice-leader of the study group on rural education, agroecology and solidarity economy and of the study and research group on rural education in the Amazon. Hellen is a member of the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education. She is a researcher at the Universitas-Br Network and develops research on rural education, educational policies, teacher training, educational practices, social movements and rural higher education.

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Romier da Paixão Sousa

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Pará

Romier da Paixão Sousa holds a degree in Agronomy through the Federal Rural University of the Amazon, a master's degree in Amazonian Agriculture from the Federal University of Pará, a saster's degree in Agroecology with a focus on rural development from the International University of Andalucia, and a PhD in Environmental Studies from the Pablo de Olavide University. Romier has developed several training, research and technological extension activities with rural Amazonian communities and has publications related to the themes of Agroecology, Community Forest Management and Professional Education in the countryside. He is currently a member of the Studies in Education and Agroecology in the Amazon research group and a member of the"Cooperatismo, Desarrollo Rural y Emprendimientos Solidarios en la Unión Europea y Latinoamérica" international research group. In addition, he is the Vice President of the Brazilian Association of Agroecology and a member of the working group on political agroecology of the Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales. He has experience in agronomy with emphasis on rural development, working mainly on the following topics: family farming, agroecology, rural extension, professional education, rural education, and the Amazon more broadly.

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José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade Guerra

Country Advisor | University of the South of Santa Catarina

José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade Guerra is a full Professor at the Graduate program in Management and Environmental Sciences at Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (Unisul, Brazil). He is the Director and Founder of the Centre for Sustainable Development (Greens, Unisul) and Principal-Investigator (PI) of BRIDGE - Building Resilience In a Dynamic Global Economy: Complexity across scales in the Brazilian Food-Water-Energy Nexus, funded by FAPESC and RCUK, through Newton Fund.  He is an Honorary Citizen of Florianópolis, a title awarded by the Florianópolis City Council and Citizen of Santa Catarina, a title awarded by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Santa Catarina.


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Tânia Suely Azevedo Brasileiro

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Western Pará

Tania Suely Azevedo Brasileiro is a coordinator and professor at the Education Institute at the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA). She previously held a postdoctoral role in Psychology at the University of São Paulo's Psychology Institute and completed an internship at the University of Havana, Cuba. She holds a PhD in Education from the Universidad Rovira i Virgili in Spain and master's degrees in Human Movement Pedagogy, Educational Technology, and Higher Education Didactics. Tania is the coordinator of the postgraduate program in Education on Amazon, the Vice-President (2022-2023) of the Inter-regional Network on Teaching in Basic and Higher Education, and the leader of the PRÁXIS UFOPA Research Group, developing research projects in national and international networks.

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Luis Alipio Gomes

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Western Pará

Luis Alipio Gomes is assistant coordinator and holds a PhD in Environmental Sciences from the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA), with part of his research being conducted at the Open University of Portugal (UAB) in Lisbon. Luis has a master's degree in Education and an undergraduate degree in Pedagogy. He is a research member of the PRAXIS UFOPA study and research group. He previously worked as Professor at UFOPA at the Faculdades Integradas do Tapajós and Esperança Institute of Higher Education. Currently, he works as a teacher in the municipal public school system and as a staff member of the Pedagogical team at UFOPA.  His research involves the following topics: management of municipal education systems, pedagogical projects, sustainability, curriculum, environmental education, and interdisciplinarity and higher education. He was previously the president of the Municipal Education Council in the state of Pará, where he also worked as Municipal Secretary of Education.

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Klaudia Yared Sadala

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Western Pará

Klaudia Yared Sadala is a researcher who holds a PhD in Environmental Sciences from the Federal University of Western Pará. She has a master's degree in Psychology from the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA) and an undergraduate degree in Psychology from the Universidade da Amazônia. She was a professor in psychology at Esperança Institute of Higher Education for 10 years and a course coordinator for seven years. Klaudia has teaching experience in undergraduate, graduate and higher education management. She currently works as a professor in Psychology at Universidade da Amazônia (Pará campus) and as a clinical psychologist. She also has been working at the Pará State Department of Public Health since 2009 as a psychologist, with 10 years of experience in public mental health policies, assistance, implementation and implementation of mental health policies. She is a member of the PRAXIS UFOPA research group and the Brazilian Association of Environmental Psychology.

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Adriane Panduro Gama

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Western Pará

Adriane Panduro Gama is a researcher and PhD student in Environmental Sciences at the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA). She holds a master’s degree in Education and an undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences. Adriane also has specialisations in environmental education (with an emphasis on educating spaces) and in Society, Environment and Development in the Amazon from UFOPA.

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Luciandro Tássio Ribeiro De Souza

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Western Pará

Luciandro Tássio Ribeiro De Souza is an undergraduate student in the Educational Informatics course at the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA). He has an  degree in Portuguese Language and Literature from the Lutheran University of Brazil (ULBRA) and a specialisation in Portuguese and Literature from the Venda Nova do Imigrante Faculty (FAVENI). He is a member of the study and research group PRAXIS UFOPA and provides tech support.

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Luis Antônio Da Cruz Gomes

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Western Pará

Luis Antônio Da Cruz Gomes is undergraduate student in Computer Science at the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA). He works as a Fullstack Developer and develops web and mobile applications in PHP and Javascript. Luis also provides tech support.

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Sônia Fátima Schwendler

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Paraná

Sônia Fátima Schwendler is a Full Professor in education at the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil, acting as a permanent professor in the Graduate Program in Education. She holds a PhD in Iberian and Latin American Studies from Queen Mary University of London, a Master in Rural Extension, and a degree in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Santa Maria. Visiting Researcher at the University of London (Queen Mary and UCL Institute of Education), with experience in Participatory Action Research, based on studies and actions carried out with social movements and rural women in the field of education, gender studies and agroecology. She is the coordinator of the Transforming Universities for a Changing Climate research project at the Federal University of Paraná.





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Katya Regina Isaguirre-Torres

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Paraná

Katya Regina Isaguirre-Torres holds a Ph.D in Environment and Development from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), a Master's in Corporate Law and Citizenship and a Law degree from the Curitiba Law School (UNICURITIBA). Associate Professor of Environmental and Agricultural Law at the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Paraná, she works as a permanent professor of the Graduate Program in Law. She is the leader of the EKOA socio-environmental law research group; a member of the Extension University Project “Rights in movement”, and the coordinator of the thematic axis “Safety and rights of populations affected by dams.




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Cristina Frutuoso Teixeira

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Paraná

Cristina Frutuoso Teixeira holds a Bachelor of Social Science with a Master in Sociology from the Federal University of Brasília, and a PhD in Environment and Development from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). Associate Professor in Education at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), she works in different bachelor's and licentiate courses and as a permanent professor in the Graduate Program in Environment and Development. Her interdisciplinary trajectory of research, extension and teaching applied to environmental and development problems started in the 1990s working on Environmental Impact Studies and through studies in Social Ecology at the School of Higher Studies in Social Sciences (France). Her work focuses on development & environment, socio-environmental injustice in coastal regions and Environmental Education from the perspective of Political Ecology theories.  




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Naína Pierri Estades

Affiliate Researcher | Federal University of Paraná

Naína Pierri Estades holds a Degree in Sociology from the Republic of Uruguay University (UROU, Uruguay, 1992), Master's degree in Environmental Education at the National University of Distance Education (UNED, Spain, 1998), PhD in Environment and Development at the Federal University of Paraná (MADE/UFPR, Brazil, 2002) and Post-Doctorate in Fisheries Socioeconomics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ, Brazil, 2013). Pierri is an Adjunct Professor at the Center for Marine Studies of the Federal University of Paraná (CEM/UFPR), where she created and coordinates the Socioenvironmental Laboratory (LabSoc). She also works as a permanent professor in the Graduate Program in Environment and Development of the UFPR focusing on development and environment, development alternatives based on communities, coastal and fishing socio-economy, socio-environmental injustice and forms of resistance, and climate change’s effects on coastal regions and artisanal fishing, with a gender approach.




Andrieli Teixeira Ribas 

Research Associate | Federal University of Paraná

Andrieli holds an Oceanography degree from the Federal University of Paraná. Her research focuses on paleoenvironmental changes on the continental shelf of Southeastern Brazil. 



Julya Naara Mayer Wisniewski 

Research Associate | Federal University of Paraná

Julya holds a law degree from the Federal University of Paraná.  Her research focuses on climate change's impact on education, law, and health, as well as colonialism's effects and alternatives to democratize international law.



Mariana Ribeiro do Amaral 

Research Associate | Federal University of Paraná

Mariana is a PhD candidate in Education at the Federal University of Paraná. Her academic focus is on gender, education and agroecology. Currently, she's a substitute professor in specialized educational services at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina, with interests in diversity, inclusion, work, and professional education.



Robson Chaves Delgado 

Research Associate | Federal University of Paraná

Robson holds a  Journalism degree from the Federal University of Paraná.  His research focuses on indigenous territories and environmental issues.  He is a member of the Amazon indigenous community, from the Baré ethnicit.



Sylviane Guilherme 

Research Associate | Federal University of Paraná

Sylviane is a PhD candidate in Education at the Federal University of Paraná. She specializes in Art-driven Education and Cultural Production, with particular experience in performing arts and countryside education. 



Victoria Hillesheim Garcia e Silva 

Research Associate | Federal University of Paraná

Victoria is an undergraduate student in Oceanography at the Federal University of Paraná. She works as the Coordinator of the Entrepreneurial Model at Maris, a Junior Oceanography Company.



Vinicius Ricardo Tomal 

Research Associate | Federal University of Paraná

Vinicius is pursuing a Master's in Law and is a PhD candidate in Sociology at the Federal University of Paraná. He holds a law degree from the Federal University of Paraná and a postgraduate degree in Public Ministry and Democratic Rule of Law with an emphasis on Indigenous Law. His research focuses on ruralities and environment. 



Sylmara Lopes Francelino Gonçalves Dias

Research Associate | University of São Paulo

Sylmara Lopes Francelino Gonçalves Dias is currently a coordinator for the Climate-U project and associate professor at the University of São Paulo (USP). Professor Dias is leader of the research centre of Organizations, Society and Sustainability. She has a PhD in Administration from Getulio Vargas Foundation and a PhD in Environmental Science Multidisciplinary Program from the University of São Paulo. She has experience in sustainability, integrated solid waste management, waste pickers, recycling, climate change, and climate Justice.

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Pedro Henrique Campello Torres

Affiliate Researcher | University of São Paulo

Pedro Henrique Campello Torres is the co-coordinator on the Climate-U project at the University of São Paulo (USP). Professor Torres is a social scientist and urban planner. He is currently a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Energy and Environment at the University of São Paulo). He was previously a Professor of Environmental Management for an undergraduate course USP. He is interested in interdisciplinary research in urban and regional planning and urban and environmental sociology, primarily on the topics of environmental inequalities, environmental and climate justice, urban planning and policies in cities and metropolises.

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Amanda Cseh

Affiliate Researcher | University of São Paulo

Amanda Cseh is a Climate-U Research Associate at the University of São Paulo and a member of the research centre of Organizations, Society and Sustainability. She has a Master of Science in Sustainability from the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities at the University of São Paulo. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Management from the University of São Paulo. Her interests include integrated organic waste management, selective collection, sustainability, environmental management, climate change, and climate justice.

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Ana Beatriz Nestlehner Cardoso de Almeida

Affiliate Researcher | University of São Paulo

Ana Beatriz Nestlehner Cardoso de Almeida is a researcher at the research centres of Organization, Society and Sustainability Research Centre and Landscape Studies at the University of São Paulo. She studied architecture and urbanism and is currently an MSc student in Landscape and Society Studies at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo. She also attended the international master's programme called "Spatial Planning for Regions in Growth Economies". Her research focuses on sustainability, children's rights, public policies, landscape studies and climate change, with a particular focus on participatory methodologies. Previously, she was the director of the Department of Urban Planning and Management in the municipalities of Iporanga and Juquiá in the Ribeira Valey, where she is advocating for environmental justice as the leader of the #PETARsemCONCESSÃO movement.

Aline Gomes

Affiliate Researcher | University of São Paulo

Aline Gomes is a Fellow on the Climate-U project at the University of São Paulo (USP). Aline is a volunteer at the National Centre for Research and Conservation of Wild Birds (CEMAVE). She is an undergraduate student in Environmental Management in the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities at USP.

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Isabela Carmo Cavaco

Affiliate Researcher | University of São Paulo

Isabela Carmo Cavaco is a Research Associate on the Climate-U project at the University of São Paulo (USP). Isabela is an undergraduate student in Environmental Management at the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities at USP. She has been working and researching climate change since 2019, in between internships and undergraduate research projects. She is currently researching climate justice for her final degree project.

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